Scientific Publications and Talks
Journal Papers
F. Strenzke.
Message-aimed Side Channel and Fault Attacks against Public Key
Cryptosystems with homomorphic Properties.
Journal of Cryptographic Engineering , 2011.
DOI: 10.1007/s13389-011-0020-0; a preliminary version appeared at
COSADE 2011.
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H. Gregor Molter, Marc Stoettinger, Abdulhadi Shoufan, and Falko Strenzke.
A Simple Power Analysis Attack on a McEliece Cryptoprocessor.
Journal of Cryptographic Engineering, 2011.
Conference Papers
Falko Strenzke, Erik Tews, H. Molter, Raphael Overbeck, and Abdulhadi Shoufan.
Side Channels in the McEliece PKC.
In Johannes Buchmann and Jintai Ding, editors, Post-Quantum
Cryptography, volume 5299 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages
216-229. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2008.
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Abdulhadi Shoufan, Thorsten Wink, Gregor Molter, Sorin Huss, and Falko
A Novel Processor Architecture for McEliece Cryptosystem and FPGA
In ASAP '09: Proceedings of the 2009 20th IEEE International
Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors,
pages 98-105, Washington, DC, USA, 2009. IEEE Computer Society.
Falko Strenzke.
Manger's Attack revisited.
In 12th International Conference on Information and Security on
Information and Communications Security (ICICS 2010), volume 6476. LNCS,
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Falko Strenzke.
A Timing Attack against the secret Permutation in the McEliece PKC.
In The third international Workshop on Post-Quantum
Cryptography PQCRYPTO 2010, Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Abdulhadi Shoufan, Falko Strenzke, H. Molter, and Marc Stoettinger.
A Timing Attack against Patterson Algorithm in the McEliece PKC.
In Donghoon Lee and Seokhie Hong, editors, Information, Security
and Cryptology - ICISC 2009, volume 5984 of Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, pages 161-175. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2009.
Falko Strenzke.
A Smart Card Implementation of the McEliece PKC.
In Information Security Theory and Practices. Security and
Privacy of Pervasive Systems and Smart Devices, volume 6033 of Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, pages 47-59. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2010.
[ springerlink ]
Alexander Wiesmaier, Moritz Horsch, Johannes Braun, Franziskus Kiefer, Detlef
Huehnlein, Falko Strenzke, and Johannes Buchmann.
An efficient pace implementation for mobile devices.
In ASIA CCS '11: 6th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and
Communications Security, ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and
Communications Security, pages 176-185, New York, 2011. ACM.
Falko Strenzke.
Solutions for the Storage Problem of McEliece Public and Private Keys on
Memory-constrained Platforms. Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Information
Security - ISC 2012, pages 120-135, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg 2012
A preliminary
version of the paper can be found at
[ springerlink
| pdf
| slides ]
Falko Strenzke.
Fast and Secure Root-Finding for Code-based Cryptosystems.
Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Information Security - CANS
2012, pages 232-246, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg 2012
A preliminary
version of the paper can be found at
[ springerlink
| slides ]
Nadia Mourier, Reinhardt Stampp and Falko Strenzke.
An Implementation of the Hash-Chain Signature Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks.
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Lightweight Cryptography for
Securtiy & Privacy - LightSec 2013
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Falko Strenzke.
Timing Attacks against the Syndrome Inversion in Code-based
Proceedings of the fifth International Conference on Post Quantum Cryptography -
PQCrypto 2013
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Falko Strenzke.
An Analysis of OpenSSL's Random Number Generator.
Proceedings of the 35th Annual International Conference on Advances in Cryptology - EUROCRYPT 2016
pdf ]
PhD Thesis of Falko Strenzke.
Efficiency and Implementation Security
of Code-based Cryptosystems
At Institute Cryptography and Computer Algebra, TU
Darmstadt, 2013
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Omnisecure 2025
Berlin, 20.01.2025, Vortrag ”PQC auf dem Weg in die Praxis”
BSI Kryptoseminar
BSI, Bonn, 02.12.2024, Vortrag ”(Post Quantum) Signatures in CMS, OpenPGP,
and LibrePGP”
BSI Kryptoseminar
BSI, Bonn, 28.10.2024, Vortrag ”Legacy Encryption Downgrade Attacks against LibrePGP and CMS”
Berlin, 29.09.2022, Vortrag ”Konzepte zur technischen
Migration zu PQC-Verfahren”
building IoT
on-line event, 24.03.2021, Vortrag “Hochsicheres IoT am
Beispiel des Smart Metering”
17. Deutscher IT-Sicherheitskongress
Bonn (on-line event), 02.02.2021, Vortrag “Certication Path
Validation Test Tool (CPT) – Ein Tool zur Überprüfung
der X.509-Zertifizierungspfadvalidierung.”
ESE Kongress
Sindelfingen, 7.12.2018, ganztägiges Kompaktseminar:
“Cryptography Engineering für eingebettete Systeme”
- Forum Safety und Security
Sindelfingen, 12.9.2018, Vortrag “Verwendung von TLS
auf eingebetteten Systemen”
- building IoT
Köln, 5.6.2018, Vortrag “Sichere und leichtgewichtige TLS
Kommunikation für eingebettete Systeme”
Bochum, 18.5.2018, Vortrag “Revisiting the X.509
Certification Path Validation”
embedded world Conference
Nürnberg, 27.2.2018, halbtägiger Workshop “Cryptography
Engineering for Embedded Devices”
- “Internet of Things – vom Sensor bis zur Cloud”
München, 19.10.2017, Vortrag “Sichere und leichtgewichtige TLS Kommunikation für eingebettete Systeme”
CAST Workshop “Mobile und Embedded Security”
Darmstadt, 1.6.2017, Vortrag “Sichere und leichtgewichtige TLS Kommunikation für eingebettete Systeme”
- Eberbacher Gespräch Kloster Eberbach, 24.5.2017, Teilnehmer beim “Eberbacher Gespräch on ’Next Generation Crypto’”
- Ruhr Universität Bochum, HGI-Kolloquium
Bochum, 14.4.2016, Vortrag “An Analysis of OpenSSL’s
Random Number Generator”
Testing Day Franken
Erlangen, 16.09.2015, Vortrag “Test Meets Security”