uninitialized RAM and random number generation: threats from compiler optimizations
Falko Strenzke
June 15, 2015
When it comes to random number generation on computers that do not feature dedicated hardware random number generators, the only solution is to operate a pseudo random number generator (PRNG). In this context, one faces the problem of providing high entropy seed data to initialize the PRNG if it shall be used in cryptographic operations. On general purpose computers, various sources for entropy are sampled by the operating system random number generators (RNGs), such as I/O timings, mouse movements and timings of key strokes. However, on embedded systems, often all of these sources are unavailable. In this case, a proposed approach is to use the content of the uninitialized RAM at system start-up as an entropy source. Furthermore, even OpenSSL, not specifically designed for embedded systems, in its RNG implementation uses the previous content of buffers to be overwritten with random bytes as additional seed data for the random number generation. Generally, such a buffer must be assumed to contain uninitialized data. This detail has received great attention in the context of the Debian random number generation fiasco, when a Debian developer removed function calls reported by memory checking tools to access uninitialized data. However, it turned out that these calls where actually necessary and their removal drastically reduced the entropy level of the RNG.
Given these connections between uninitialized data and random number generation, I want to call attention to a problem that arises from the treatment of uninitialized data by C compilers. We will find that the usage of uninitialized data in computations incurs the risk that the resulting code may have completely different properties than intended and that there are far greater risks than the contribution of the uninitialized data to the RNG's entropy level being low or zero.
Wang's example
We will begin the analysis of this problem with a real-world example described by Xi Wang. This is probably the first report that brings this problem domain to attention. However, Wang gives a rather brief analysis, and here we are going to look at the potential consequences in a wider scope. The example is about the following code snippet:
struct timeval tv; unsigned long junk; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); srandom((getpid() << 16) ^ tv.tv_sec ^ tv.tv_usec ^ junk);
The variable junk
is used as an uninitialized 32-bit value to provide
another source of entropy additional to the PID and time value. Up to a certain compiler version the
resulting program code performed the computation as intended. However, the newer
comiler version suddenly did only the following: it called gettimeofday
, both times ignoring the return value, and then called
with an uninitialized value.
(For the details concerning the affected program and involved
compiler, please refer to the above link.)
To most of us it is probably a surprise that the generated code is conforming
to the C standard.
In the C99 standard, the central statement about uninitialized
variables (or buffers) is "If an object that has automatic storage duration is
not initialized explicitly, its value is indeterminate". Intuitively, I claim, this
leads us to the following assumption about the treatment of the uninitialized
variable junk
by the compiler: it reserves some register or space on the
stack for this variable. Whatever value is in that register or in that area of
the stack, effectively becomes the initialization value of that variable. This
is exactly how the code generated by the older compiler versions behaved (it
used the value found in register ebx
). We
will soon see that this view cannot explain what happened with the newer
compiler version, but it is possible
to demonstrate that already under this assumed compiler behaviour problems can
result, as we demonstrate in our "zeroth" explanation. Afterwards, we will give
two other explanations that actually apply to Wang's example.
Explanation 0 (not fitting Wang's example): indeterminate value is related to other values in the computation
The compiler is entirely free to choose the order of the computations in line
5 and the allocation of the variable junk
. Thus it might first carry out the first two XOR computations. It might
then allocate junk
with the effective initial value of
tv.tv_sec ^ tv.tv_usec
as an intermediate result of the previous computation left over in a register or
on the stack. Thus, being XOR-added twice, the contribution of the time value is
cancelled. We learn from this that "indeterminate value" can also mean that the value
of an uninitialized variable is closely related to other variables' values in
the program execution.
However, this is not what happened in Wang's example, since otherwise srandom
could not have been called with a completely uninitialized value. (If for some
reason junk
had the value of the result of the other two XOR operations, then
would have to be called with the value zero.) To understand how the
compiler came to the generation of this code, we have to give up our intuitive
assumption that it has to allocate the uninitialized variable somewhere, in a
register or memory, and thus explicitly assign it a value.
Explanation 1: compiler reasoning about indeterminate values
Let us label the argument to srandom
as A, i.e.
A = (getpid() << 16) ^ tv.tv_sec ^ tv.tv_usec ^ junk
Analysing the code of line 5, the compiler finds that junk
controls A in the following sense:
for each value of the result of the other two XOR computations not involving junk
, and any possible
value of A, there exists a corresponding value of junk
. This means that just any value can
be passed to srandom
. The point of view of the compiler can be summarized as
follows: "junk
is indeterminate. The implementer chose to put up with any result
of the overall computation that could be reached by any possible initial value
of junk
. I do not have to carry out the computation of A, as for any possible
value of A I can claim to have implicitly chosen a value of junk
Indeed, every execution of the program will be valid in this sense. Our
expectation that the statistical properties of the argument passed to
will be as intended, is based on the implicit and erroneous assumption that an
indeterminate value will be chosen unrelated to other values in the program.
Explanation 2: undefined behaviour
Another explanation for the generation of the vulnerable code is that the
compiler realised what is referred to by the C standard as "undefined
behaviour". The clause that allows this is that access to uninitialized data other than as
an unsigned char
may have a trap
representation. Since
is of a different type, this issue may apply here. The effect of a trap value
can lead to control flows and thus computation results that are impossible
for any valid initial value of a variable, as an example with an
uninitialized boolean value shows.
From these considerations we understand that in Wang's example, the compiler behaves correctly, either by Explanation 1 or 2. Now we explore what this result means for the employment of uninitialized data for random number generation in general.
a vulnerable example of start-up entropy accumulation from RAM
First, we turn to approaches that are clearly at risk of suffering from this freedom of the compiler. Assume, for instance, that an implementer chooses to use the start-up values of the RAM of an embedded system as a source of entropy. Due to performance considerations, instead of using a hash function directly, he partitions the RAM into a number of equally sized segments and computes the sum of the 32-bit words contained in each of these segments separately. Afterwards, he computes a hash value over the concatenation of these sums. Though this approach is not optimal from a cryptographic perspective, it can be assumed to produce a reasonably secure seed value (under the assumption that the RAM values contained sufficient entropy), especially if a large number of segments is used. However, due to the compiler's freedom concerning uninitialized memory, a C implementation of this algorithm is at risk to produce low or even zero entropy seeds: not a single sum computation might be carried out, all the 32-bit words fed to the hash function might end up having the same value.
OpenSSL's RNG seems not to be affected
Now we consider the security of OpenSSL's feature of employing uninitialized
data in the random number generation. OpenSSL's random number generator is
implemented in the file md_rand.c
. Providing a description of this
RNG would be beyond of the scope of this analysis, however, we are only interested in
the processing of the potentially uninitialized data in the buffer to be filled with
random bytes, referred to as the target buffer in the following, during the random number
generation. OpenSSL's RNG computes the random output in the function
by feeding different parts
of its internal state as well as the contents of the target buffer into a SHA1
computation. In order for the compiler to be able to apply the reasoning as
described in Explanation 1 and thus to remove or alter the call to the SHA1
computation, it would have to be able to reason that for any possible
resulting SHA1 state, there exists a value of the target buffer that causes this
resulting state. This would imply the inversion of SHA1, which certainly is
beyond the compiler's possibilities.
We could consider whether the approach provided in Example 2 is applicable.
Taking a look at the SHA1 implementation in OpenSSL, we find that the input data
is read as unsigned char
, and thus the compiler cannot resort to
undefined behaviour.
From this perspective, there is no reason
to worry about OpenSSL's usage of the initial values of the target buffer.
threats to cipher-based hash function implementations
Contrasting the apparent safety of OpenSSL's processing of uninitialized memory, we can indeed construct a potentially vulnerable example of a hash function implementation. To elaborate this, let us consider a cipher-based hash function such as the Matyas–Meyer–Oseas construction. The compression function of the Matyas–Meyer–Oseas hash construction is shown in the following figure.

Here Hi-1
denotes the previous hash state,
denotes the current message block and
is the updated hash state.
The previous hash state is preprocessed by some function g
, the
output of which is set as the cipher key. Then the new message block is
encrypted, and the ciphertext block XORed by the message block is the
updated value of the hash state.
Now we ask the
following question: if mi
is uninitialized data, is
the compiler allowed (based on the considerations given in Explanation 1)
to reason that mi
completely controls
the resulting state Hi-1
, and thus set the resulting
state Hi
to some arbitrary value that is independent of
? Based on our previous considerations on the
compiler's freedom, we must answer this question by "no": The value of
also enters the cipher operation, thus the compiler
cannot take on the view to have implicitly chosen a value for
in order to set Hi
to an
arbitrary value. We still expect the compiler to produce only programs that
behave in such way that there is an implicit choice of the value of
the uninitialized data. In order to alter the code in the way described
above, the compiler would have to suppose two different values for
at two different points in the program. Based on
indeterminate values that are not trap representations, this seems forbidden
by the C standard.
But let us now assume that the XOR operation in the Matyas-Meyer-Oseas
compression function is implemented 32 bit word wise. In this case, the compiler
could, if our analysis in Explanation 2 is correct, indeed assume a different
value for mi
at different points in the program, as this
would be covered by undefined behaviour. Accordingly, the entire call to the
compression function could be at risk of being removed.
An actual trap value, i.e. an invalid data representation for the CPU, might not
even be realized in on a given platform. From my
understanding of the C standard, the clause about uninitialized data that is
accessed other than as an unsigned char
generally gives the compiler
the freedom to implement undefined behaviour.
threats to CBC-MAC implementations
Another way to accumulate the entropy of uninitialized memory would be to compute the CBC-MAC of the memory contents, which amounts to computing the final CBC ciphertext of the CBC encryption of the data. The initialization vector can be chosen as a zero string and the key may be hard-coded in the program. In the CBC mode, each ciphertext block is computed as Ci = Ek(Ci-1 ⊕ Pi), where Ek() is the cipher encryption under the key k, Ci-1 is the previous ciphertext block and Pi is the current plaintext block. If Pi is uninitialized, we must fear that the compiler can apply the reasoning described in Explanation 1 and thus make the XOR result independent of both Ci-1 and Pi, completely subverting the intended entropy accumulation.
feasibility of dangerous compiler optimizations
Comparing the CBC case or any of the theoretically discussed examples with
Wang's example, we
realise that in contrast to the latter they all share the property that the
uninitialized data is not allocated in the same function as where it is used in
the computation. That indeed calls for greater optimization capabilities in the
compiler in order to be able to produce vulnerable code. However, the employment of
optimization capabilities that work across function call boundaries was already
demonstrated by the issue where a compiler removed
a call to
because it realized that the overwritten data was not used any more before their
validity ended. That call was intended to clear sensitive data, which might
otherwise reappear in uninitialized buffers subsequently during program
Optimizations such as those that lead to the memset()
and those that would be necessary to create vulnerable code in the face of
uninitialized data fed to a CBC function imply that they are able to cross
function boundaries. At least if the functions are in
separate compilation units, such optimizations must generally be carried out in the link stage rather
than in the compilation stage. However, at this stage, it will still be possible
for the compiler to determine that a certain variable is not initialized, and
thus it is not obvious that critical optimizations in the context of the
processing of uninitialized data are any more challenging to a compiler than
those that lead to the memset()
However, what might aggravate the situation for the compiler is if his reasoning
does not simply lead to the removal of a function call as it is the case in the
issue, but only for the execution of a simplified version of
that function. It is rather unlikely that, as a consequence, the compiler will generate different
versions of the same function, though this is certainly allowed by the C standard. On the other hand,
the compiler might choose to simply inline the necessary remaining code at the
call site. In the case of CBC, this might be simply a call to the cipher encryption
function, which might not even increase the code size at the modified call site.
Note that there is also a construction that would allow for the complete removal of the call: that is encryption in the CFB mode. From a theoretic perspective, the CFB mode would also be a suitable solution for entropy accumulation. There, the very last operation is the XOR of the plaintext (assumed to be uninitialized) to a cipher output, the result of which thus is arbitrary from the critically-optimizing compiler's point of view.
discussion of countermeasures
This leads us to the question of countermeasures. Assembler implementations of
the entropy accumulation function will
probably not solve the problem, since an optimizer might affect them equally as
C code (note that also memset()
is typically implemented in assembler).
For the indispensable entropy accumulation at system start-up, the only
seem to be manual or automated verification of the produced binary code.
In places where the
usage of uninitialized data is not essential, it might make sense to avoid it
completely. Otherwise, algorithms should be designed so that the effect of
compiler optimizations is at least restricted. That means that if uninitialized
data is used in a hash computation together with other data, it should be fed
to the hash function first. In this way, the compiler might assign an arbitrary
value to the hash state after that operation (e.g. leave it untouched, except
for a potential update of the length counter in the state), but it has no reason to alter or
remove subsequent calls that feed further data (such as OpenSSL's RNG feeds
parts of the hash state).
Furthermore, concerning the choice of the function for entropy accumulation, a standard hash function such as MD5 (the weaknesses of which are of no relevance for this purpose), SHA1, or one from the SHA2 family should be favored over any cipher-based construction. This is due to the complicated processing of the input data in standard hash functions, which we must assume to aggravate the possibilities of dangerous compiler optimizations considerably, compared to the extreme case of the exposed XOR operations involving potentially uninitialized data in the cipher-based constructions.
The use of the volatile
specifier is often suggested to prevent
compiler optimizations, for instance in the context of the memset()
issue. In general it might be a valid countermeasure to let
the hash function access the input data as a volatile
variable. However, there are results by
Eide and Regehr showing that implementations of volatile
compilers are often faulty.
From Wang's example we already learn that the usage of uninitialized data in
C programs can lead to the subversion of entropy accumulation. We provided an
analysis that suggests two possible explanations for the legitimacy of the
removal of the computation involving an
uninitialized variable. Explanation 1 argues that the compiler is not bound
to produce a program that explicitly commits itself to a value of
an uninitialized variable prior to using it in computations, but rather may
arrange the code such that there always exists a specific value of the
uninitialized variable that would have led to the computation result. This
behaviour is possible with any type of variable. In Explanation 2, we make
use of the fact that the C standard allows for undefined behaviour in the
processing of
uninitialized data of a type other than unsigned char
. This, in my
understanding, gives the compiler much greater freedom concerning the resulting code,
including the possibility to imply different values for the same
uninitialized variable at different points in the program. As a result, a
far greater range of optimizations are feasible. For the example of
cipher-based hash functions or certain block cipher modes, we have shown
that even such functions calls, if they process uninitialized data, are at
risk to altered or removed by an optimizer. A comparison with the issue of
optimization-resistant secret wiping showed us that the necessary
optimization approaches of compilers might already allow for
cross-function-boundary optimizations that are necessary to produce
vulnerable code.
notes and further reading
- A collection of examples of interesting compiler behaviour
- A CERT article that mentions Wang's example but describes the consequences of the compiler behaviour incorrectly
- Some more information on trap representations